How to improve your CSS printing friendly page

How to improve your CSS printing friendly page

Genres:You can use CSS to change the appearance of your webpage when printed on  Paper. You can select o…

 You can use CSS to change the appearance of your webpage when printed on Paper. You can select one font for the screen version and another for the printout.

I have seen Media Base @ in previous chapters. This rule allows you to define different styles for different media. Therefore, you can define different screens and rules printer.

The following example defines different combinations of screen and printer. The next one CSS uses the same font size for both the screen as the printer.

<style tyle="text/css">
@media screen
p.bodyText {font-family:verdana, arial, sans-serif;}
@media print
p.bodyText {font-family:georgia, times, serif;}
@media screen, print
p.bodyText {font-size:10pt}

If you are defining your style sheet in a separate file, then you can also use the media attribute when linking to an external style sheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
media="print" href="mystyle.css">

 I hope you enjoy this Post and Photos. CSS Printing Friendly Pages In Blogger Skills

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