How To Assure Clients That SEO Makes Sense Amid Coronavirus Crisis

How To Assure Clients That SEO Makes Sense Amid Coronavirus Crisis

Genres:Coronavirus has literally brought the world to a halt, with businesses bearing the brunt of manda…


Coronavirus has literally brought the world to a halt, with businesses bearing the brunt of mandatory lockdowns. This indeed is an uncertain time for them as economic downfall seems closer than ever. Obviously, organizations are worried about getting revenue and leads. And they are bound to think twice about every single penny they spend on the marketing budget.

Conversely, this downtime could be the opportunity to up your marketing game if you decide to see the silver lining. It could be the right time to consolidate your market presence. So if new clients for your SEO agency seem to come in a trickle and the existing ones are thinking of skimping on budget, you surely need to assure them. Here is how you can convince them that SEO still makes sense amid the coronavirus crisis.

Effective yet affordable

Considering the apprehensions about the current situation, spending a fortune on lead generation, print advertising and other conventional forms of ads is out of the question for businesses. In fact, a majority of them may not be able to fit these tactics in their promotional budgets at present. Your clients would need a strategy that is robust enough to strengthen their brand’s market positioning at present and generating revenue in the long-run. At the same time, it should be affordable enough to fit in their current budget. Amazingly, SEO fits perfectly in this complex equation. Additionally, it is a long-term strategy. The efforts invested today will bear fruit later in the year. This means that your clients will be able to sustain their position on the top once the market recovers from the crisis.

Stay ahead of the competition

Despite the current situation, most of the companies will be able to survive and come through unscathed when the crisis is resolved. Your clients will probably have the same level of competition to beat once the markets normalize. So you must absolutely emphasize on not pausing their SEO campaigns or going for budget cuts if they want to be ahead of the competition today and in the future. A continuous investment will keep them connected with the audience so that they do not ditch them and opt for competing brands. In fact, if there is a right time to be aggressive with the SEO campaigns, it is right now. And those who fail to do so have good chances of falling in the end. Such businesses may recover from the COVID impact but still lag behind in the competitive market.

Better brand awareness

Another reason that you can give to your SEO clients to stay put with their campaigns even during the current crisis is to secure better brand awareness. Right now, when a majority of people are at home, they are spending a lot of time online. Obviously, this is a good time for brands to be visible and capture the interest of the online users. These are the potential customers interacting with brands; even if they are not buying goods or services from the businesses, they are still exploring brands and learning more about the ones they are interested in. By strengthening their online presence through SEO, your clients can capitalize on the chance to reach out, engage and build rapport with the targeted audience. This is a good approach for long term branding as well.

Get ready for future SEO initiatives

Despite coming to a standstill right now, businesses are likely to get up and come back strong once the crisis is over. When this happens after a few months, your clients will need to have the right SEO initiatives in place. Including a disaster recovery and future-readiness plan in your proposal for clients is a good way to convince them about availing your services right now. This helpful template from Adam White at SEOJet details what elements are needed in an SEO proposal and how to make sure your content has a flow that makes sense. Apart from having the typical elements, you will have to ramp up your proposal by realigning the strategy according to the current situation.

Identify the future hurdles

When it comes to making a client’s business future-ready, it is more than coming up with a strategy that would work. You can align your services to help them identify the hurdles they may face in the future. There are some tools you can use to get an idea about what to expect in searches in the coming weeks. Or you may even find out the optimal times of the day or week when you get more traffic or sales. Being aware of such future trends and challenges makes you better prepared for handling them. With early identification of the loopholes, you can work on them and avoid any loss to your business.

Optimize content to make it more relevant

One thing that everyone can be sure about is that the world will never be the same, even after this crisis is over. Customer behavior and preferences will change, which obviously means that content will have to be changed as well. This is another fact you can leverage for convincing your clients about continuing with their SEO campaigns amid this volatile situation. Doing so now means that they will be able to evolve consistently on the content front. With regular posts and content related to the current situation, their website and branding content are more likely to be ready for the post-COVID era. This is important because relevant content is the foundation of successful SEO campaigns.

It is very clear that businesses should continue with their SEO campaigns as they were before coronavirus. And agencies should take it as a responsibility to educate clients about the benefits of staying persistent.

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