How To Remove Bundle.css And Blogger Javascript From Blogger

How To Remove Bundle.css And Blogger Javascript From Blogger

Genres:Step to remove bundle.css and blogger javascript from blogger, how to remove render blocking script…
Step to remove bundle.css and blogger javascript from blogger, how to remove render blocking scripts and css from blogger,widget.js blogspot,how to speed up blogger blog
This post is similar to How To Eliminate Render-Blocking Scripts And CSS From Blogger and in this post I am going to tell you how to remove bundle.css from blogger which is an external styling by blogger and is the default CSS for every blog but if you have your own CSS style for your blog then you don't need it and its doing nothing but overriding your custom CSS and slowing down your blog. So in this short post I will tell you how to remove bundle.css and other CSS styling and javascript by blogger so that these scripts don't slow down your blog.

CAUTION: This can result in irregular blog design so you should add your own CSS from any external sources or put your CSS in <head> of your blog. Also after following this post your blogger widgets like Google+ badge, G+1 button may stop working so you need to add google G+1 button api in your blog <head>.

How To Remove Bundle.css And Blogger Javascript From Blogger

Step to remove bundle.css and blogger javascript from blogger.

1.  Go to blogger dashboard and go to theme and click on Edit HTML.
2.  Find <head> in your theme by using CTRL+F and replace it with &lt;head&gt;

3.  Now again search for </head> code and replace it with &lt;/head&gt;&lt;!--<head/>--&gt;

4.  Now search for </body> and replace it with &lt;!--</body>--&gt;&lt;/body&gt; code.

5.  Save your theme.

This will completely remove your theme's all javascrpts and css added by blogger.

Google+ Api:

Add this script after your blog's <head> if your google+ badge or g+1 button has stopped working.

<script src="" async='async' defer='defer'></script>

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