Top 5 SEO Tips (Search Engine Optimization) 2014

Top 5 SEO Tips (Search Engine Optimization) 2014

Genres:SEO stands for (Search Engine Optimization) "to optimize search engine" or "search…
SEO stands for (Search Engine Optimization) "to optimize search engine" or "search engine optimization". SEO is an important decision can improve your site, but you can also risk damage to the reputation and Web site / Blogger of you.
2013 Google always update changes algorithm to better serve users. algorithms such as Panda, Penguin is updated continuously.

1. Keyword Analysis: Surely everyone knows that in the SEO community there is always the criteria for the related keywords and the keyword length is always easier than doing SEO keywords short and this is one way SEO current tag. As an example here from the phrase "IN COMPANY" is the primary key and it is located within the remaining term keyword phrases. And I will do SEO before the word "ADVERTISING COMPANY IN INDIA" is the result you will be surprised to see the Result . So with this feature you will check between words, phrases and keywords you can free keyword analysis for SEO when you reach the right audience traffic. Also Google also offers several other free tools such as Google Analytic users can track and measure traffic on the details page or Google webmaster tools : diagnostic tools website.

2. Web Design / Blogger and quality unique content: load speeds faster page loads, the URL is not defective and does not contain special characters, eye-catching web design ... Create original content and create interesting websites useful and information rich. Be yourself - Both search engines and visitors enjoy unique content online, so do not copy and paste content from other websites or automatically generated original information. Be creative - Despite similar preferences, infinite possibilities of presenting your content is unique. The demand for information through any border. Be concise - Describe your content clear and precise. Users like to come back and write good content and easy to follow. relation to the user - Identify all possible user community. Try to get feedback from users and features revised accordingly.

3. Social Media: Social Media is a term for a new type of media, is based on the online service, with the aim to focus valuable information treatment of participants. Representations of Social Media can be in the form of the exchange network to share personal information (MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo 360) or network share specific resources (Material - Flickr , Videos - YouTube).

4. Google Rank: Google ranking What is Google Page Rank is now considered to be the most reliable indicator valuation each site. A website with high Google Page Rank indicator will provide reliable impression for visitors, it is especially meaningful to the business website en-commerce. algorithm is Page rank probability distributions, are used to demonstrate the ability to click a random link and going to the site-specific DC. Page Rank can be calculated for text files with documents of any length. When you start calculating the distribution of which is shared among all the text in text files. Page rank calculations need some time "repeated" through the text in order to be able to achieve a realistic value more practical way. Probability value from 0 to 1. With the value of 0.5, commonly known as "50% chance" of something can happen. In Page Rank, 0.5 means 50% chance of someone clicking on a link to be redirected to random documents (page rank value = 0.5)

5. Blog visitors: traffic to a website is the top of the webmaster, so that a website is successful or not is based on factors including how much website traffic every month. Do not wait for "father" Google Be a pioneer! Do not wait for Google to find that you just automatically send your site to Google and all other search engines that you know and can. Please post these articles useful This may sound redundant but also need to said. Try to have articles with compelling content on a regular basis to keep readers constantly come back to you. Have a regular schedule published by the scheduling tool, timer does not need to publish to wake up really early but still post updates. Notice the headline of each article and take advantage of the Keyword simple but attractive impression to the reader as well as helping them easily find you. should have a few key collaborators Look for a few who have good writing skills essential issues on your website and invites them to continue to contribute articles or participate regularly. maximize Please technology Do not expect a full-text only site (or even to some) may attract readers. Use images, video, slideshows or other types of multimedia content to show. Link and tag Please place links (links) to other websites in your articles and blog suggest, website , other forums with links back to you. Another solution is to register your website with the integrated web service or blog. to optimize search engine helps you the most conspicuous.   (note you can be listed as Spam) Let's stick with readers so please answer soon and directly to your email or comment readers. Use RSS Feedburner and FeedDemon are two addresses to help you create the service quite good. Though your website live in the world of "virtual" but it can not leave the real world and work to increase Your access too. Please put your website on the personal conversations, use mouth mouth, and if possible, the page print advertisement placed in a beautiful location also offers no less effective. Be patient Construction a website with massive traffic always requires much time. Let's set short term goals to strive for, but remember that this is a long process and should be patient and persistent in the maximum.

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